Initiative Transparente Gesellschaft

Creating transparency

The Haniel Foundation supports the ‘Initiative Transparente Zivilgesellschaft’ (Transparent Civil Society Initiative), which is working to increase transparency in the non-profit sector. There are no uniform disclosure requirements for non-profit organisations in Germany. However, in order to maintain and strengthen trust in third-sector organisations, it is necessary to develop and implement clear regulations with regard to transparency, accountability and good organisation management. The signatories to the initiative therefore undertake to publish the following 10 disclosures on their websites.

1. Information in the foundation

The Haniel Foundation is a non-profit foundation based in Duisburg. It was established in 1988 by Franz Haniel & Cie. GmbH with foundation assets of approximately five million euros.
Contact: Haniel Stiftung, Franz-Haniel-Platz 1, 47119 Duisburg

2. Apendixon articles of incorporation, guidelines and objectives and the way we work

Appendix on articles of incorporation

Guidelines and Objectives

The way we work

3. Depreciation Tax Shield (only in German)

Die Haniel Stiftung ist eine gemeinnützige Stiftung des privaten Rechts im Sinne von §2, Abs. 1 mit Sitz in Duisburg. Sie ist „daher nach § 5 Abs. 1 Nr. 9 KStG von der Körperschaftssteuer und nach § 3 Nr. 6 GewStG von der Gewerbesteuer befreit, weil sie ausschließlich und unmittelbar steuerbegünstigten gemeinnützigen Zwecken im Sinne der §§ 51 ff. AO dient“ (Auszug aus dem letzten Freistellungsbescheid des Finanzamtes Duisburg-West vom 29.01.2015)

4. Board of Trustees

The Haniel Foundation Board of Trustees serves as a Management Board. Its members reach strategic decisions and decide on individual sponsorship projects. They are supported by external experts as required. The committee meets twice a year.
Board of Trustees

5. Progress Report

Every five years the Haniel Foundation publishes a progress report. You can read the progress report of 2016 here.

Every five years the Haniel Foundation reviews its work and strategic outlook together with external specialists – and is also doing this in 2015. You can read the findings here

6. Team


7. Sources of Funds

You can get information here

8. Application of Funds

You can get information here

9. Memberships

The Haniel Foundation is a member of the Association of German Foundations. It is committed to both the Guiding Principles of Good Practice for Foundations and the Recommendations for Charitable Corporate Foundations.

10. Main Funders besides Haniel



Getting part of it? You can find information on the initiative here

Von Haniel Stiftung