a girl with a headscarf talks to a boy with a hat
© Alexander Muchnik
Cooperation project

Education as an opportunity

In order to improve the prospects of young people, the three social enterprises Apeiros e.V., Chancenwerk e.V. and Teach First Deutschland have joined forces in Duisburg for the Education as an opportunity cooperation project.

Each of the three non-profit organisations is already involved in supporting educationally disadvantaged children. In Duisburg, they are dovetailing their activities for the first time in order to reduce educational barriers with their combined strength and pave the way for a successful professional future for pupils. After Haniel launched and developed the Education as an opportunity project in 2010, the Haniel Foundation assumed responsibility for further development of the project in January 2013. Until 2016 the Haniel Foundation and Ashoka Deutschland were coordinating the cooperation project together. Since 2017 Ashoka supports the project ideational.

For Duisburg – three initiatives, one objective

In Germany, educational opportunities still depend on social background. For this reason, numerous associations and institutions commit themselves to better education – with remarkable success. However, in order to achieve fair educational opportunities for the long term, expertise must be combined. This is where the Education as an opportunity cooperation project comes in. The organisations contribute their respective core expertise to the overall Education as an opportunity project in a coordinated manner. In this way, the effectiveness of the projects grows compared to the individual activities. In addition, the expense required for the projects – in financial and personnel terms – can be reduced.


At Theodor König Comprehensive School, an integrated compre- hensive school in Duisburg, Haniel Foundation project »Education as an Opportunity« has brought together supporters of di erent approaches. Here, they all work together to support the integration of disadvantaged pupils into the everyday school routine.

22 secondary and comprehensive schools in Duisburg are already benefiting from the collaborative project. The project has reached thousands of pupils, including more than 200 young people who are receiving intensive support. The following animated video illustrates this unique collaboration, in addition to the synergy benefits of Education as an opportunity:


Teach First Deutschland brings university graduates of all subject areas with outstanding personal and academic credentials to schools in difficult situations. They work there for two years as fellows – temporary teaching staff.


Chancenwerk enables access to qualified private tutoring for pupils from financially weaker families. Sixth formers receive two school lessons per week of private tutoring from students free of charge. In turn, each sixth former supports a group of younger pupils from his or her school free of charge.


Apeiros supports schools in identifying pupils who no longer go to school or do so less and less frequently through systematic absence management. The organisation also supports drop outs and prepares them for re-entry into school.

Von Haniel Stiftung


The cooperation project Education as an opportunity conciesely summarized.
(only in German)